1. Doing the JMT in a month and looking forward to a first hand account of trail conditions. Sounds bad from the forest service perspective...trees piled up everywhere, Red's closed. Good Luck and have a great hike.

  2. You are making good time! I like the beard.
    And trust me...I can relate to what you are going through.
    Getting to Tuolumne Meadows was among the best memories of our PCT trip. Don't skip on the buckweat pancakes at the store in Tuolumne.
    8-9 days later you will reach Sierra City for an all-you-can-eat rib dinner...hopefully the "red moose inn" still open.
    It's funny how as the mileage accoumulates, the objective becomes to go from food source to food source.

  3. Action(Dan), Very happy to have had the luck to run into you and Minor behind Timberline Lodge on the Timberline Trail-I am in awe of you PCT through-hikers! Very fun to hear about your travels, and thank you for taking time out of your hiking schedule to pass about 30 minutes with 3 50+ women with delusions of being "serious hikers". :) We talked about you and Minor the rest of the hike, and then had the privilege of meeting Bacon Bit and her cousin....such a fun day for 3 rather sedentary women! Best of luck and safe travels for the remainder of your trek-you guys are awesome!

  4. You made it....congrats.
    What's next? are you kayaking to Alaska? :-)

  5. Congrats to you, Action! I have been inspired to reach a little further, walk a little farther, try a little harder,though your blog. Best of luck to you in the future-I am sure you'll be successful at whatever you put your mind to! :) (One of the Timberline Trio of women you talked to.)
