Saturday, September 08, 2012

31 miles

This morning was probably the first morning that we really felt like we were in Oregon. It was foggy and cold all morning. All of the bushes hanging into the trail were soaking our legs and water was dripping off of the trees.

When the fog finally cleared Minor got stung by a bee in the calf.

We got to a clearing and had an amazing view of Mt. Adams, Mt. st. Helens, and Mt. Rainier.

Today we had the option of taking the Eagle Creek detour. The detour takes you by tunnel falls where the trail goes behind a waterfall. This detour is basically part of the PCT because about 98% of thru hikers take it and the PCT brochures even show Tunnel Falls in them.

Some "purists" won't take it. Hot shot is a purist, so she was going to take the PCT down to Cascade Locks.

We got down to tunnel falls and it was awesome! Most of the trail is blasted out of the rock walls. The trail through the waterfall was also pretty cool.

The only downside to taking the detour is that Tunnels Falls is a very popular dayhike. So we had to pass a TON of people on the say through it. We saw all sorts of people....from people in jeans and dress shoes to out of shape backpackers with HUGE packs.

About a mile from Cascade Locks we were walking along a bike path and I also got stung by a bee in the calf! Bees around here must hate hiker's calves.

We made it down to Cascade Locks which is right on the Columbia River. We could see Washington across the river! 

The is a trail angel here named Shrek. His house is called Shreks Swamp. We dropped our packs there and headed to the Pacific Crest Pub to get some food. Hot Shot made it down a few minutes after we got there. She couldn't believe we beat her there because she had run a good portion of the PCT.


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