Thursday, July 02, 2015

Today is our longest day so far on trail. 25.4 miles. With about 3/4 of a mile side road walk to go get water.

We had a few big, steep climbs, but it was nothing compared to yesterday's big climbs.

We spent most of the day on the divide. The last 6 miles were my favorite. The trees were packed so close together, the trail was super nice and there was little vegetation on the ground.

We have been doing calculations all day as for what we need to hike in order to have a shortish hike to highway 12 on Saturday so we can get to Helena at a decent time.

We ate dinner on trail around 5pm when we were all starting to feel really tired. Then did another 6 miles after dinner. We felt much better after the meal and it gave us some extra miles. We are about 42.5 miles from highway 12 right now. We will shoot for another 25 mile day tomorrow. Then we only need another 17.5 on Saturday.

Heather has been keeping track of our total miles for the trail. It isn't like the PCT, every location on trail doesn't have a distance associated with it since there are so many different alternate trails. But right now we are about 286 miles in. We should hit 300 tomorrow.


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