Monday, July 13, 2015

Heather and I woke up and went to breakfast. Gambling is apparently legal in Montana because almost every restaurant and bar has casino machines. I didn't know that.

We headed to the post office to pick up our resupply box that was shipped there. We had planned to make this section 6-7 days and 160 miles to Darby, MT. But while hiking this last stretch, we decided that we really didn't want to carry that many days of food. We found a road about 60 miles into the next stretch that we can hitch into Anaconda, MT. So we took out 3 days of food and supplies from the boxes and forwarded the box to Anaconda. It is basically the next town over so it will get there in one day.

We then went to the sporting goods store to pick up some new shoes. We are about 450 miles into the trail, and along with some miles we put on our shoes before the trail, it was time to get a new pair. Heather's shoes had big holes in the fabric which let in dirt and pebbles all day. The tread on mine was just about gone.

After that we headed back to the Folk Festival for more music, beer, and fair food for the rest of the night.


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