Sunday, August 02, 2015

Tuesday, July 28

We woke up early to get in a big day. We were all worried about food because of the very short day yesterday. We were planning on 3 big days so we could get to Lima, MT with the food we had. Any longer and we would be out.

As we began walking, Andy and I noticed an alternate we could take that would shave off a good amount of miles. After checking the GPS and maps, we decided to take it.

It was mostly dirt roads, but it was very scenic. The mountains all around us were covered in snow from the day before. It was pretty cool.

We spent most of the day on the alternate. It shaved about 10 or so miles and put us in a much better spot to get to town without running out of food.

The weather was also much better today. It was in the low 30s in the morning, but warmed up throughout the day and the clouds disappeared by the time we got to camp.


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