Wednesday, August 26, 2015

We got to sleep in this morning because the gift shop (where we sent a resupply box) didn't open until 9am. Turns out we didn't find the gift shop and actually camped outside an old mercantile, but the few workers around didn't seem to mind.

The old town was cool, the mine only ran for a few years around 1870 and then again for a bit around the 1920s. But the town and mine were pretty developed.

We got our boxes and organized our food. The process always takes a while. There's always the battle of figuring out how much food you're going to eat and how much it is all going to weigh down your pack. You don't want to carry too much, but you certainly do NOT want to carry too little food. We always end up over packing anyways.

South Pass city didn't have any restaurants, but the nearby town of Atlantic City did. Luckily it was down trail about 4.5 miles.

We got burgers and beer at the Miner's Grubstake Restaurant. Probably the best burger of the trip and the owner was super hiker friendly.

We finished the day with 9 more miles. It was super windy. We found a nice sheltered spot near a bridge and a creek. The wind stopped once the sun went down and as I type this the coyotes are howling not too far away.


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