Sunday, August 02, 2015

Wednesday, July 29

It seems that the day before a town day is always a struggle. Motivation always seems so low. Today was no exception. We just could get into a rhythm and the miles just slowly ticked by.

It didn't help that the day was also super hilly. We had constant ups and downs.

We also went through a big cow area, there was cow poop EVERYWHERE. All of the creeks and springs were also destroyed by the cows. It is super annoying.

The last 10 miles were up on the divide. There was no tree cover and barely a trail to follow. The maps described this section as a "roller coaster of hills". This was no exaggeration. This section beat us up. The views were amazing though and we could see forever.

We came over one hill and saw a massive elk heard grazing in the grass. They looked up and stared at us then all turned and ran up a hill into a big patch of trees to hide. There must have been 40-50 of them. It was pretty awesome.

Because of the constant breaks and difficult terrain, we got to camp around 8:30pm. Much later than our usual goal of around 6:00-6:30pm. But now we are set up nicely for a 10 mile quick hike to the road so we can get into Lima, MT early.


  1. What did you guys do for water through the destroyed cow areas?
