Wednesday, May 09, 2012

24.5 miles

Today we saw our first grizzly.....and tiger...and lion...and mountain lion.

Apparently there is a compound up here in the mountains for a number of predators that are used in movies. The PCT goes right by it. We hung out there for a while and looked at all of the animals.

We are back in the mountains now. The trail quickly climbed out of the desert and into the pine trees. The sun was no longer our enemy and the weather was perfect.

We have had 2 great days and will be in Big Bear tomorrow morning for breakfast. There we all have to resupply and we should be back on the trail later in the afternoon.


  1. Hey Dan.
    It looks like you are around one of our favorite places to ride dirtbikes. Crestline/Silverwood Lake. You'll soon be sharing the PCT with motorcycles, so listen for fast approaching noise. You'd have right of way (I would think), but watch out! We saw plenty of backpackers last year, but I doubt any were through hikers because it was a bit later in the season. We also saw lots of packs at the McDonalds on the 15/Cajon Pass. I'm guessing the trail cuts through there, too. Or maybe that was a junk food detour for them.
