Monday, May 14, 2012

29.5 miles

The 14 miles to the McDonald's went pretty quick. The trail was very overgrown which was annoying. But we got to McDonald's around noon.

I ordered a burger and fries, then more fries, then a hot fudge Sunday. I stayed there with the hikers I camped with the night before until about 3pm when it started cooling off a bit.

Once I was a few miles in I caught up to 3 hikers I met last week near I-10. We made good time up the hill heading to Wrightwood.

Our last mile it was dark, and we had entered a section where this poisonous plant called "poodle dog bush" is present. It is a lot like poison oak and it appears in recent burnt areas. There was a detour around this section, but we decided not to take it. It wasn't horrible, there was a lot of the plant. But we were careful and could navigate through 97% of it. We may have been lightly touched by a few. But we washed good at camp and hopefully won't have any problems....We will see tomorrow....


  1. McDonalds would be some awesome motivation. How is your weight? Super skinny yet?
