Thursday, May 24, 2012

29.5 miles

We crossed mile 500 today! 500 miles is a long way, I can't really believe I've made it this far already. I would say this the biggest physical accomplishment of my life, and I'm not even a quarter way through the hike!

Today was breezy, which was good because it would have been deathly hot otherwise. 

We had one water source that came from a "guzzler". I've never heard of a guzzler before the PCT. It is basically a man made structure that collects rain water all year in areas where natural sources aren't available. Somewhere in the first 200 miles I passed one. It was basically a cement driveway that was built at a slope that ran into a covered tank. When it rains, the water runs down the driveway and collects in the tank. 

Today we came across another guzzler, but this time it was a metal roof with a rain gutter on one side which funneled into a tank underneath. The tank isn't super clean, there are a few floaters, but the water today was cold and tasted good.