Saturday, May 19, 2012

10.5 miles

Today was an awesome day. My mom planned on meeting me in Agua Dulce so she could take me to the start of Stage 6 of the Tour of California.

The race started at 10:30 so the plan was to meet in Agua Dulce at 8:30am. So I had to get in 10.5 miles before then. I was on the trail by about 4:15am and made it to town a little early by about 7:45. There was a cafe in town where I had a pulled pork omelet with biscuits and gravy.

My mom came and we headed to Palmdale to watch the race. We hung out at the start, saw all of the team cars, and watched all of the riders sign in and get interviewed.

Once they were off, we drove down the road to a couple spots and saw them pass by again. It was awesome.

After that my mom and I went for some lunch and then dropped me back off in Agua Dulce around 3pm.

My mom is the best and is super awesome for driving up. Thank you mom!

Agua Dulce has one of the best trail angel's houses on the entire trail. The Saufleys have an amazing hiker set up in their backyard. I walked in, and was immediately greeted and was given the tour. There was a tent with a lot of different tubs full of clothes along with laundry bags and shoes. This is where hikers can pick out clothes to wear while their hiking clothes are being washed. And hikers are not allowed to do their own laundry, the Saufley's do it for you.

In the garage, there are hundreds of hiker's resupply boxes. There is also a mail center set up where you can ship anything you need. Around the back of the house is a trailer, it is for full use by the hikers, there is a kitchen, computers, TV, and shower. Next to the trailer are about 10 or so bunk house tents. Each tent has 3 or 4 cots where we can sleep. They also have a number of bikes with baskets that we can use to ride the mile into town to buy food, or go to a restaurant.

It is pretty amazing. There are probably about 20 hikers here today. We plan on taking a zero day here tomorrow. It has been about 12 days since my last zero and this is the perfect place to do it.


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