Thursday, May 17, 2012

About 24.5 miles
We started around 5:45 this morning. About five miles in we started a big climb up Mt. Baden Powell. The trail was steep and gained about 2700 ft in less than 4 miles.
After that we hiked another 6 miles to a camp site with a spring. At that time is was 12:15. We ate lunch, then took a nap until about 2:45pm.
Another 6 miles down the road and we got to a section of the trail that is closed due to some endangered frog that lives in the area. There are a couple detours that were created to bypass the area. The current detour is all trail and takes you down to the desert floor then back up and around. It also adds 14 extra miles to the PCT. We were definitely not doing that.
The old detour only adds .9 miles to the trail but requires a 2.7 mile road walk on hwy 2. The forest service created the current detour because they thought the road walk was too dangerous. But we decided to take the old detour.
The road walk was easy and we saw maybe 4 cars the whole time.
We are now at a campground on the side of the highway.


  1. From where you are, I'm guessing it's the same frog that closed down Williamson Rock. They post a "temporary" closure just before we got in to climbing, and the forest service didn't have enough money to complete an environmental study. The closure was just extended to 2015.

    Keep on truckin!

    1. Yeah! I saw the climbing area. I looked awesome, sad that area is closed down. It was definitely for the frogs.
