Sunday, August 12, 2012

25 miles

The Michigan Wolverine and Even Start wake up every day at 4:30am. So I woke up with them and started hiking. It was 16 miles into Castella where there is a store and I had a box.

The trail was mostly downhill, so after starting around 5:45am, I got to the road to Castella around 10am.

When I got to the road, there was a 2.5 mile hitch to the store. I immediately had a car pass and pick me up. This was actually the first time on trail that I both hitched by myself and was picked up by someone who knew nothing of the trail. Normally, the driver knows about the trail.

I did my normal thing of buying tons of food and soda to replenish some calories. TMW and EvenStar got to the store around 12:00pm.

We hung out there for a few hours while we all resupplied. After, we got a ride back to the trail.

Instead of hiking on, we spent an hour swimming and picking blackberries at the river. It was great. I probably ate 100 blackberries.

We eventually made it back to the trail and hiked on to camp.


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